


Church of God in Christ

Bishop William A. Prioleau

Jurisdictional Prelate

"My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding." Psalm 49:3

The Church of God in Christ, Inc. (COGIC) is a Christian organization in the Holiness-Pentecostal tradition. It is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the Country.

“All the glory, the honor, and the praises all day…….they belong to God.” For the vast majority of her life, this phenomenal woman of God made those words her personal vow as a wife, mother and soul-winner. While raising ten (10) natural daughters of her own, she didn't realize God was preparing her destiny to give spiritual direction to millions of women. As a child, she felt called to preach. Too young for a larger venue, she would stand up on a stack of soft drink crates and minister to whatever handful of family or friends she could gather. Little did she know, this exercise was also great practice for her future roles in the church.

As we prepare to honor her life and legacy next week, for today’s ##WCW ---“Women’s Celebration Wednesday”  salute, the Church Of God In Christ remembers our wise, sainted, beloved Emerita General Supervisor ---- Mother Dr. Willie Mae Rivers.

Mother Willie Mae Smalls Rivers has touched and continues to touch the lives of many people throughout this world. It was stated that she was born " be different..." on February 20, 1926 to the late Robert and Anna Mitchell Smalls. As a child, Willie Mae exemplified great promise that she would one day contribute greatly to mankind. "Willie Ray" (as she was affectionately called by her loving father) was and remained concerned about the welfare of others throughout her life.

Mother Rivers received her formal education in the Berkeley and Charleston County School Systems. Her Christian experience began as a child. She attended the Mt. Zion AME Church Sunday School. Because of her interest and dedication, she represented her church as a delegate to many conventions. The presiding Elder remarked "...this child will one day be a great leader... she has a mark on her life."

At the age of fifteen, June 26, 1941, Willie Mae Smalls was united in holy matrimony to Mr. David Rivers. Their marriage lasted just short of 56 years until his demise on May 15, 1997. This union was blessed with twelve children; two sons and ten daughters.

In 1946, Mother Rivers attended a revival one night and after hearing the gospel preached by husband-and-wife duo, Superintendent Jacob C. & Missionary Francena Dantzler, she believed and was baptized in the Holy Ghost. That same year, she went on to become a member of the “sanctified church,” Calvary Church of God in Christ. Mother Rivers was appointed Church Mother at the age of twenty (20) years old. She served in that capacity for the rest of her life.

Because of her steadfast devotion and dedication, Mother Rivers was chosen to serve as District Missionary and later Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor to the late Mother Alice Marie Saunders. In 1968, she was appointed the Jurisdictional Supervisor of the Department of Women for the South Carolina Jurisdiction, serving until 2023. With fifty-five (55) years of tenured service, she remains the longest serving State Supervisor in our church to date. Her loyal dedication to God and her leaders is exemplified throughout the Church of God in Christ, Inc.

As her predecessors did before her, Mother Rivers came up through the ranks, becoming increasing involved in the ministry. She has served on the National level in the following capacities:

~ International Marshal - Women's Convention
~ Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors
~ Member, Executive Board
~ Member, Screening Committee
~ Member, Program Committee - General Church
~ Coordinator - Leadership Conference
~ Instructor - District Missionaries Class
~ Member, Steering Committee - Women's Convention
~ Chairperson- Exhibits - Women's Convention
~ Third Assistant General Supervisor
~ Second Assistant General Supervisor
~ First Assistant General Supervisor

In April 1997, Mother Rivers was appointed and installed as the sixth General Supervisor of the Church Of God In Christ by his Grace, Presiding Bishop Chandler D. Owens. She served in this role until 2017, thereafter receiving honor and special status as the first General Supervisor Emerita.

Completed in 2014, The Dr. Willie Mae Rivers Primary School was established in Ibanda, Uganda, honoring her legacy and the love she has for improving the lives of young people and preparing them to take their place as society shapers.

A true servant of God, Mother Rivers reached the lives of many throughout her church and community. For many years, she spread the Gospel through the "Evangelist Speaks" ministry broadcast on radio stations in the Southeast. In addition, she founded the Community Christian Women and Men Fellowship as a way to reach people in all walks of life through spiritual enrichment, by aiding those less fortunate, and by providing love and comfort to the bereaved during their time of sorrow.

At 98 years young, she remained energetic and active, imparting into the lives of her ten daughters, twenty grandchildren, thirty-six great-grandchildren, and the rest of her extended family. But judging by the numbers of gifted COGIC women whom she has trained and inspired to take their rightful places in the kingdom, there will never be a shortage of qualified ministers to carry on the work of the kingdom. In her opinion, Mother Willie Mae Rivers believed she couldn't leave any better legacy than that.

Full of wisdom, charity and the power of the Holy Ghost, we were beyond blessed to have this sainted woman of God live among us. We extend the fullness of our love, prayers, and support to the Rivers family and we will continue to keep them lifted; in that we share the common bond of a life lived well as unto God. May we long remember the days of our precious, beloved, Mother Dr. Willie Mae Rivers.



As Seen Through the Life & Lens of Johnie Johnson

This video trailer recording is the “living story” of the life, ministry and legacy of Bishop Johnie James Johnson, born to Jeff and Margaret Johnson of Summerton, SC, on November 11, 1923. He is the sixth of eight children, the fifth boy, with two sisters who died at birth.  His life is an American story, a product of the Deep South of the Depression Era, the Hoover Days, FDR’s New Deal for America and World War II, where he became a man and defended his country as a sailor in the United States Navy.  Told in his own words and accented with live snapshots of himself and others, this DVD gives us a picture of a life of one who has been blessed to see and do Greater Works in every sphere of his life.  His is indeed the story of a Chosen Bootstrapper & the Greater Works that have been birthed through his life, service and ministry.  He is a proud son of his parents, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his brothers, a loving husband, a caring provider as a parent, a pioneering pastor and churchman, a businessman and a community servant.
 Rev. Dr. Floyd Flake, the renowned former US Congressman and retired pastor of Allen Institutional African Methodist Episcopal Church, Jamaica, New York, describes his journey in life and ministry as “The Way of The Bootstrapper.”     In the book, he defines a Bootstrapper as a person who: “makes it against the odds, through self-directed action. . . [They have] a mindset that allows [them] to rise over and above the ordinary and [in their place and time] become extraordinary.”  Bootstrapping is a way of taking responsibility for and building your own life while bringing reality to your dreams.”  And great bootstrappers, no matter how independent and successful, realize that their success is always dependent on the love and support of others.  Rev. Flake’s words describe what you will find herein:  THE GREATER WORKS OF A CHOSEN BOOTSTRAPPER:  As Seen Through the Life & Lens of Johnie Johnson.
